
Friday, February 19, 2010

I'll Betcha His Breath Stank!!!!!!!!

Lil' Wayne had a proceedure to get 8 Root Canals in 1 Day!!!!!!!!! Damn! His breath probably smelled like a midget tap dancing on his tongue with shyt on his shoes! Dis-gust-ing!!!!! He got the YuCk MoUtH!!

1 comment:

  1. What the work never heard of a thing like this by any reputable dentist taking on a task such as 8 root canals in one day. If it really happen I beg you (do) not be a copy cat. He is Lil. Wayne darn it. Keep it up he will run across a dentist that (make) no mistake about it of such (fate) of the late MJ. I'm just saying!

    Ms A
