
Wednesday, January 13, 2010


This crazy chick here tore up a McDonalds around about $3,000 worth of damage, all because her damn burger was messed up! WTF! Apparently Alesha McMullen ordered a cheeseburger snack wrap and instead of getting that she got a cheeseburger.  The people offered to get her order right and she refused and demanded to get her money back. She then went ballistic threw a wet floor sign over the counter, and just started tearing up ish....Then I have to ask myself....Where da hell dew dey dew dis ish at??

1 comment:

  1. WOW! When I seen this pic I just said WoW, WTF! I just had to click on this post and check it out! Over a dang cheeseburger which wasn't her order, I mean come on! LOL, LOL !!
