
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Brandy Goes In!

Yes! There is one thing that B is not tolerating and that is a crazy chick trying to talk ish about her brother Ray J. As Danger calling him a queer saying that he really likes Vitamin D. She tryna say he been azzing around with Young Buck in which is not to be confused by the rapper.  He is actually a friend of his that started the same "Danger, she smashed the homie!!" Peep the posting that was made by Brandy via Twiiter!

Watch out ther now....More details later for Danger's response. That is if she dare to do such a damn thing with her crazy azz. Imma need Danger to sit her azz down somewhere!

1 comment:

  1. That's right Brandy, stand up for your brother. Danger needs help real bad and that is on a serious note to Danger!
