We are here to express what ever is on our minds, expose the ratchetness and extract what everyone has been wanting to say.....Where in da hell do dey do dat at????
What about your friends....They stood in the crowd and they let her azz down again!! This hood chick comes to a party with 1 her hair not finished, 2 without a perm & 3 she could've at least flat iron the chia atop her head!!!!! Damn Damn Damn! Where in the hell do dey do dis ish at??
First off....Why in the hell you chilling in the hot tub with all of your flowing hair down with the candle directly behind your head. Secondly, She looks like she was already warned one tine so why the hell didn't she (A) move the damn candle or (B) put your damn hair up...Dumb as hell!! Did I laugh you ask....Hell yea because she was trying to be cute and her hair caught on fire. The look on Kevin Hart's face = Priceless!!!
Where is the childs clothes? Better yet where the hell is CPS when you need them?? Really Ms. ImmaRunToDaStoRealQuick?? Get some clothes on your child You Big Dummy!!!!!!
Ok. You might as well where the whole damn Shabang. Don't be Half-Steppin...You gonna get the lacefront, do it big...I'm just saying...Where is your make-up and skirt??
Just str8 ratchet...You really gonna buss up in the prom rockin some lacey bahama shorts with your flowery draws hanging out, your bra on top of your shirt, and ol' girl preggers as hell with her armpit hair hangin all out....I have to throw up in my mouth right now!