
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Flaming Hot Damn Mess of the Day!!

Would someone please tell me "where tha hell do dey do dis ish at"????? The toes are used as an alternative to owning a vacuum cleaner now?? Does she have on her daughter's shoes? Did she cut the toes out of them so they can fit? Is this a part of the Bad Economy, trying to cut back on buying new shoes? Is she going to need surgery after she pry the shoes off her feet?? Who are her friends? Why they didn't tell her not to leave the house with re-adjusted shoes on?? Did she really want to show off her 3 freshly painted toes that bad? Are her other 2 toes OK?

Friday, September 24, 2010

Did you readers know that.....

That is all!! Go Cowboys!!

She Changed Up!

Here goes the same hoodrat who was found with Oreo in her hair now she has Reese's in her head. You have got to be really stupid to 1) Walk around advertising for free & 2) have the audacity to walk around looking like a damn fool! Where da hell do dey do dis ish at?????

More Ratchet Behavior In NYC!!!

Well looky here!! Well WTF is it is more like it!! I would say only in NYC would you run into this ratchetness but you would also see this ish in Buckhead (ATL).

Monday, September 20, 2010

Now This Don't Make No Damn Sense!!!!!!!!!!!!

LMAO...ROTFLMAO!! This is taking it too damn far!!! Itz too much! WHo approved this ISH! Em Em Em ...SMDH!! Thank you MTO for the helpful insight of what NOT to do with your lips>> This is a Public Service Announcement: Do not try this at home!!! Geesh!

Monday, September 13, 2010

What is the purpose of this??

Enuff said!

Extreme Fashion Epic Fail !!

Umm...I have to quote someone on another site said what Will.I.Am looked like in this pic. They said "He looked like the BP Oil Spill" Too damn funny!! I mean like really! What is up with the plastic hairpeice. Imma need Nicki to wear smaller buttpads! We all know now that it is not real just like Barbie!

Random WTF of the Day!

Who in the hell left the gate open! Dennis imma need you to not do this look ever again! You are not the best looking male to pull this off! That is all....


Ummm... Yeah ...So.... WTF... OMG...LLS!!

Recipe: Swimp Burgers!! LOL!

This recipe would be good for the shrimp lovers (-) the spelling errors!!

Ohh...Is it a Him...Or is it a Her??

Someone please help me determine the meaning of this?? Thank you for bringing this to my attention! Str8 Foolishness!