We are here to express what ever is on our minds, expose the ratchetness and extract what everyone has been wanting to say.....Where in da hell do dey do dat at????
Whose feet?? Imma need her friends to let her know either to not put lotion on the bottom of her feet or her feet are too big for somebody else's shoes. Either way it looks like a new way to pick up items off the carpet!
Well not exactly. Here is the promo shot for her new fragrance Dare Me. This is some ish that was taken before the fat neck and before the kids! Who in the hell is she fooling! LMAO!! WOW!!
Why in the hell did this chick think this ish was cute?? At first when I looked at this picture it was a smaller one. Then I go to another website and there it is again. I thought it was a typical easter basket and then I looked closer! HOT DAMN MESS INDEED!