We are here to express what ever is on our minds, expose the ratchetness and extract what everyone has been wanting to say.....Where in da hell do dey do dat at????
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
What in the hell is this?? How in the hell did they let alone she get in their and why?? Is this foreplay or them taking a po people shower??
Ohh Nooo Erykah!!
Erykah oh no you didn't get on stage raising your arms up like you are legit!! Looks like you can make a cornroll with the ish!! Imma need you to go get that waxed, shaved, Nair'd or something! This is a damn mess....SMMFH!!
TR?? C'mon Man!
Apparently TR was pissed at his daughter's after a Twitter brawl popped off because they are not feeling his new girlfriend. The new girlfriend is said to be only a couple years older then them? Wow! What in the hell did they say about her Twitter that got him driving home to beat the Cowboy Sh** out of both of his daughters?? Like damn Twitter is an account to air all the damn dirty laundry maybe I need to do like TR and delete that ISH!!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Where in the hell are they now??
Remember these young cats??
Now look at them....
Wow! B5?? Is that you?? They have really grown to look so damn "feminine". And another one down, and another one down Another group bites the damn dust!! P. Diddy does it a-damn-gain!!
Can You Say Cell-U-Lite??
Guess who's flabby azz was spotted out having family day??? It does really look quite the same without the clothing......
It's Co-Co!! I am at a loss for words on this one... Looks just as regular to me.. Especially the first picture!! Why is that bathing suit from her momma's closet (at least that is what it looks like!!) Imma need you to upgrade your 2-piece game on this one and keep doing them squats. This time without the stilettos!!
It's Co-Co!! I am at a loss for words on this one... Looks just as regular to me.. Especially the first picture!! Why is that bathing suit from her momma's closet (at least that is what it looks like!!) Imma need you to upgrade your 2-piece game on this one and keep doing them squats. This time without the stilettos!!
Pure Gayish In the Locker Room
Derek Fisher was being interviewed in the locker room and he stopped and checked out one of the other player's azz to whom is a fellow light skinned brother and tries to play it off. WOW is all I can say!! Stay tuned for the clip!
What's Wrong With This Picture????
Ok, Now they being real funny! Who is letting the damn people sit there and take pictures of people in jail now?? Only in GA...Don't even have to ask my famous question here!!
People Protesting Against Lady Gaga??
Seems like some people don't have a thing to do with themselves than to protest a singer for having her own sense of style!! She has not done nothing to nobody so why ya'll hating on her. She is a grown a$$ lady let her be & let her make her money!! Here is their flyer that turned up as a news release:

You already know what I am about to say to this foolishness... Where dey dew dat at??
Dead Beat Has Been Rapper....
His baby mama says he ain't been paying his child support for his son pictured above. He had claimed the girl above as his daughter for 6 years! Now check out a letter written to Bossip about Lil' Flip being a dumbazz this Christmas:
Wesley Weston aka Lil Flip and I have a 4 year old son together. I am not one of those fame hungry women that puts all of their business out there for attention, but I feel that I have been pushed to the limit by this man, and I want people to know the real “Lil Flip”. Wesley (LilFlip) and I were together for about 6 and a half years. When we first started dating I had a 2 year old daughter that he raised as his own (she called him daddy and everything), because her real father has never been in her life. Well back in January of 2009 I decided to end our very volatile relationship due to personal reasons that I’d rather not discuss. So now, jumping forward to December of 09, he has only talked to my children maybe 5 times this year, and thats because I’ve called him! They missed their daddy, and he never calls! He didn’t even call on Christmas nor did he get his ONLY son anything! He did not get his son anything for his birthday in June, and didn’t call him either. No call onThanksgiving as well. So yesterday on Christmas, around 8pm at night he sends me a text message that said “Wow it’s 8 o’clock and you still haven’t had my son call me, great mothering skills” then went on to say that I was ungrateful, and money hungry, because I had previously asked him for a little extra money on top of the little $500 he pays a month for child support to do some Christmas shopping. He sent me $150 through western union THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS knowing his son needed winter cloths and shoes!!! (I have the Western Union receipt with the date and child support paper work if you’d like me to send you all a copy). And as if that weren’t bad enough, this pompous a**hole sent my 9 year old daughter (who she refers to as daddy) a text message that said and I quote “By the way Im not your real dad, just so you’ll know the truth!” on Christmas night! So I feel I have no choice but to put his sorry a** on blast. My daughter did not deserve that, and she was so confused and upset after reading that. And I don’t allow anyone to hurt my children, not even Lil Flip. So after posting what happened on my twitter page last night, I have decided to contact you guys at bossip. I really don’t want to exploit my children, but I want people to know how arrogant and evil this man is. So I really hope you guys decide to post this. Because he basically ruined my daughters Christmas, and I am beyond pissed!
SMMFH!! Loser!! T.I. messed up all up!!
Wesley Weston aka Lil Flip and I have a 4 year old son together. I am not one of those fame hungry women that puts all of their business out there for attention, but I feel that I have been pushed to the limit by this man, and I want people to know the real “Lil Flip”. Wesley (LilFlip) and I were together for about 6 and a half years. When we first started dating I had a 2 year old daughter that he raised as his own (she called him daddy and everything), because her real father has never been in her life. Well back in January of 2009 I decided to end our very volatile relationship due to personal reasons that I’d rather not discuss. So now, jumping forward to December of 09, he has only talked to my children maybe 5 times this year, and thats because I’ve called him! They missed their daddy, and he never calls! He didn’t even call on Christmas nor did he get his ONLY son anything! He did not get his son anything for his birthday in June, and didn’t call him either. No call onThanksgiving as well. So yesterday on Christmas, around 8pm at night he sends me a text message that said “Wow it’s 8 o’clock and you still haven’t had my son call me, great mothering skills” then went on to say that I was ungrateful, and money hungry, because I had previously asked him for a little extra money on top of the little $500 he pays a month for child support to do some Christmas shopping. He sent me $150 through western union THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS knowing his son needed winter cloths and shoes!!! (I have the Western Union receipt with the date and child support paper work if you’d like me to send you all a copy). And as if that weren’t bad enough, this pompous a**hole sent my 9 year old daughter (who she refers to as daddy) a text message that said and I quote “By the way Im not your real dad, just so you’ll know the truth!” on Christmas night! So I feel I have no choice but to put his sorry a** on blast. My daughter did not deserve that, and she was so confused and upset after reading that. And I don’t allow anyone to hurt my children, not even Lil Flip. So after posting what happened on my twitter page last night, I have decided to contact you guys at bossip. I really don’t want to exploit my children, but I want people to know how arrogant and evil this man is. So I really hope you guys decide to post this. Because he basically ruined my daughters Christmas, and I am beyond pissed!
SMMFH!! Loser!! T.I. messed up all up!!
Where Da Hell Dew Dey Dew Dis At??
She probably looks like a damn Pinto!! Why you gonna sit their and put a damn song name on your chest?? Apparently she is a stripper or something and plans to make it her carreer for the rest of her life! Dumb A$$!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Damn Fool!
Apparently he "Misunderstood" the memo the first time about putting more tattoos on his face!! This does not make you more attactractive you gremlin!! Why you have "Tune" by your ear. Ok I'm done....Post yo comments!!
Whose A$$ is caught with a gun??
As of lately this famous A$$ cannot seem to sit down!! First he was reportedly burglarizing some random folks he was staying with, them he was arrested outside of Wally World for carrying a gun, now his a$$ is seen again carrying a damn gun!!
Imma need you to sit yo azz down now Katt & take a damn breather!!
Damb A$$ Escapee Post Pics of This Ish on his Facebook...
This arrogant dumb a$$ (Craig Lynch) is beleiving that his ish don't stink by posting this picture of himself of him hold a handmade wanted sign. I mean really most people want to lay low for awhile. Don't you watch TV?? They have ways to find you through all that stuff. You must want to get catch you Dumb A$$!!
Fantasia Fantasia for WTF have you done to your head Chile!!
Oh WOW! What in the......... OMG! NOOOOO Say it isn't so?? Fantasia imma need to go back to the salon and try again. Let them know they fugged you up bad!! Please try again. This is not a good look to try to promote your show looking like this ish! Not tha damn move!!
Random Sickness!
This man from Taipei pictured above with his grandma gets 10 years for raping her in a Buddha Temple! Reports say that she was in the temple praying minding her own damn business when her sick demented grandson pushed her to the ground and raped her threatening her with a knife. The grandma was trying to fight him off while screaming " I am your grandma!" Sicko ish right here SMDH~!!!!
Where in da hell dew dey do dis at??? This is a damn shame. This hoodrat is letting her son hold her damn speed bumps and take a picture?? This some serious BS! This B**** need her a$$ beat! SMMFH!
I sad news...
Crazy a$$ Lil Duval was arrested for failure to appear to court in Dekalb County. Are you crazy?? Dekalb County is no joke. No laughing matter! Imma be needing you to stop looking like this in your lockup photos.
Dear Lil' Mama,
You are too damn big for a damn pacifier. Those are for babies! It is not going to be no damn fade. TLC already did it and this is not coming back. Please stop drawing attention to yourself and take some time out of the spotlight for awhile to get your self together. Where in da damn hell dew dey dew dat at??? Only in Lil' Mama's World Geesh!! SMMFH!!
Danger...the Fake A$$ Amber Rose!
Dear Danger,
Please stop it! You look a damned hot mess. You cannot be like Amber! You are crazy & please keep taking your crazy meds! Who is the pimp that is in the pic with you?? He damn sure ain't no Kanye! Ya'll both look really dirty........SMDH...Nikki
Please stop it! You look a damned hot mess. You cannot be like Amber! You are crazy & please keep taking your crazy meds! Who is the pimp that is in the pic with you?? He damn sure ain't no Kanye! Ya'll both look really dirty........SMDH...Nikki
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Leave it to Lady Gaga to look like this mess...........SMDH! What she has extra shoulders or is this supposed to be some sexy female football uniform combo!!?? I see she tryna bring back the Madonna "Cone Boob" look.
Mary Punches Kendu!!!! WTF!!
Reports say that Mary had an album release party at the M2 Lounge last night and they got unto a brawl when her husband Kendu was flirting with the waitress. WTF is up with these damn waitresses. Anywho, sources say that Mary threw a drink in his face as well as punched him in the face. Before the drink throwing and Mike Tyson like punch to the face, they got into a dispute in which they were said to be in each other's face in which Mary said to Kendu " You're not about to ruin my night!" Someone tried to separate them but got pushed to the side and that's when Kendu got it! She also yelled at him, " What are you gonna do, Chris Brown me?" WOW Mary why you had to use the Chris Brown incident??
Why in the hell do the new poster for the Deadline in which starred Brittany Murphy looks like this?? This is some BullSh*t. They know damn hell well they should have took the necessary provisions after her death. Wow this poster mirrors how she was found in the shower! Well they are now taking the necessary steps to take them out of the Redbox kiosks. Looks like an attemp to monopolize on movie rental sales. Dammit!
Dear Young Joc,
Imma need you not to be dressed to the tee all dapper'd out for a X-Mas party and not have the Carmex on deck. Like Wow...You can feel when your lip's are chapped. You could took yo a$$ to Quik Trip to get that on the way!!
Whew...Recall !!
As previously reported, Jennifer Hudson Otunga is not pregnant! Yes, that's what's up. She has however been working on her next album due out in 2010. Here is a statement that has been released from her rep:
“Contrary to what has been falsely reported, Jennifer Hudson is not pregnant,” her rep Lisa Kasteler says. “Jennifer leaves in April for South Africa where she will portray Winnie Mandela in the feature film, Winnie.”
“It is a commitment she is excited about and takes very seriously,” the rep adds. “Jennifer is currently in the studio recording her second album and this is the only delivery she is looking forward to in 2010.” [source]
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Ummm... WOW!
Micheal Jordan is sues a grocery store chain for using his "23" on some damn steaks. Really there are other things to sue over than to think that the number 23 belongs to you. Juanita done got you f***'d up! Tryna make back that money that Juanita drained him for.
Crippled Gay Man Dances to Beyonce!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG WTF ROFL! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Post you damn comments!
Kid Cudi Gets Arrested??
I think that it is f***ing ridiculous that nowadays rappers think that it is cool to get arrested! The ish right here?? Really getting arrested for burglary. Where in da hell dew dey dew dat at?? First you punching people in the face now you getting arrested for Burglary?? WTF! Well there is always 2 sides to every story. Please rappers "You don't have to do stupid things to get your album sold!" As long as you have a good production squad that are producing good beats that let's go with that.
Update: Looks like hateration going on with the LAPD. They have the wrong guy. Imma need the LAPD not to be so extra when pulling people over next time. Get your glasses!
Update: Looks like hateration going on with the LAPD. They have the wrong guy. Imma need the LAPD not to be so extra when pulling people over next time. Get your glasses!
This ish right here! This wack job threatens to kill the First Lady Michelle Obama. Why in the hell she wants to just up and want to kill Michelle. Bitch are you crazy?? She from the ol' school. You need your a$$ beat!
Hot Mess of the Day!
Jennifer Hudson is pregnant again!!!! As far as this picture, I hope this is a bathing suit cover-up. Next I hope that this is not a recent picture. I also want to know what happened to her legs! They are in desperate need of some Jergens!
Hoodrat gets her own TV Show!! WTF!!!!!
All I want to know is "Who in the Hell left the gate open?" Why is Khia ghetto rat looking self is getting her own tv show on VH-1? Well that figures, it's VH-1! Apparently she is getting her own show fittingly called Anger Management.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Biscuit Sop of the Day!
Check out this cutie!!!!!! (Whistles) He is Antone Murray, a model from Southern Cali. He got me ready to jump on the plane to retrieve my X-Mas gift....Him!
Lil' Jon a Chicken & Beer contest in which who ever eats all their chicken smoothered in Hot Sauce and drinks the whole 40 ounce of Ol' Gold Wins!?! The winner takes home $500. You know what I am bout' to say to this, so I won't say it. We already know where da hell dey dew dat at....ATL Shawty!
Lil Wayne, Lil Wayne!
Lil Wayne was apprehended over the weekend! Cops found weed (as usual) in their tourbus (again) in which he & his entourage were detained and let go. I have something to say about this Gremlin.....Enough is a Damn Nuff, STOP smiling like this you look like the head clown on the Killer Clowns! ....The End! PS. Please not more tats to the face not a good look!
Amy Crackhouse!!!!!!
Amy Crackhouse Winehouse needs to sit her a$$ down somewhere. Allegedly she was at a Cinderella performance last night yelling obscene language?? Wow kids can't even enjoy Cinderella in damn peace?? She kept yelling "He's F***ing behind you!" Where in da Hell dew dey dew dat at??
Amber....She Smashed A Homie!!
Reports surfacing that Amber Rose smashed the homie Chris Breezy, after pictures of the two getting cozy at The All-White Party hosted by P.Diddy. Damn Baldina you just had to try some of that VA!!
Monday, December 21, 2009
16 year old is said to be the tallest teen girl. She is 6'11 and I have to wonder.....What is the hell is they feeding her?? WOW!!!!! The female Shaq!
I know ya'll watched episodes of "Making The Band", well this guy right here got on my LAST NERVE!! It was only amount of time where they was going to kick his whiny a$$ to the curb!! He got fired thru a letter! He received a letter that they are moving on without him! HA! LMAO!! Oh Well....OnTheNextOne!
Who is going to want this for X-Mas???
Chris Brown does his Best Elephany Man Impersonation!
One question...Who is that guy on the side with the mic?? Is that Elephant Man. Some one please get ol' boy a Hot Comb. While they at it, please tell ol' girl don't be coming on the stage with ashy feet ever again!!
What is PETA's phone number??
Imma need someone to call PETA ASAP cause we have a problem. This ish is really uncalled for and she looks like a damned fool! Imma give her 2 tickets and a warning. FYI PETA Headquaters is located in Norfolk, VA you better watch yo back!!
How did Tommy Kelly of the Oakland Raiders lose them tight a$$ pants?? Imma need someone to ensure that this does not happen again thanks!
What gym is you going to that is letting you work out in some damn stiletto's? I don't have nothing else to say but.."Where in the hell dew dey dew dat at??"
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